Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The "Thank You" Meal

The Sunday night before Thanksgiving, our church has a big Thanksgiving potluck. We bring the sides and desserts, the church provides ham, turkey and bread. It is always delicious!

This year, our youngest children's choirprovided a Thanksgiving program as our entertainment. They sang about 5 songs, and it was so cute!

Having known many of these kids since they were very little, it amazes me how grown up they looked. They really aren't babies anymore. Time sure does fly!

Anna is always happy to have a little stage time.

Caleb goes to choir, too, but he wouldn't get up and sing. He was mad because he didn't get to sit in a chair.

Since he's only 2 1/2, he's not officially old enough to go to choir. Problem is, I'm the older children's choir director, so he either goes there or we have to provide a sitter for him. One of his favorite people, my good pal Teresa, is one of the leaders of the younger choir, and she's nice enough to let him join in. He loves it. Actually singing in front of a crowd - he's not there yet.

My first attempt to upload video - here's one of my favorite songs they sang. It's called the Recipe Song. BTW - if it doesn't work, don't blame me. I'm new to this and my video card doesn't handle this kind of video well at all on my computer. I can't tell if I got everything formatted right or not.

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