Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ideas for Granny's Party

This is my favorite - Lilac Bough. The whole grouping, see how the dark purple (wine?) looks good with the tableware? I think that would be nice for the round tablecovers. I like the green accents as well.

The tablecloths are plastic, and appear to be full color (as opposed to the vintage rose below)
The beverage napkins are the ones I think we'd use - size wise, they're the easiest to handle. A case has 210, and we could add some green and lilac solid colors as accents if we needed extras.
This is the vintage rose. A little chintzy for my taste, but if we were doing just the tablecloths and beverage napkins and went with solid green and pink plates, I think it could be nice. Round tablecloths would be either that rosy pink or the green.

Tablecloth is linen-like paper. No more expensive than the plastic (not much, anyway), but they are white with the color on the sides and a stripe on the top. With people there, they'd probably just look like white tablecloths. I'd be more tempted to get some green and pink tablecloths and actually purchase the luncheon plates with the rose pattern.

This is cute but a little more modern. It's called Petals and Polka Dots. The luncheon plates are the smaller pink plates, the three smallest plates are beverage plates.

Beverage napkins. Again, the smallest. There is a tablecloth that goes with this but if we go this route, I'd think we'd pick four colors (orange, pink, yellow, fuschia) and have three tablecovers in each color, with solid round tablecovers too. OF the three, I think Granny would like this the least. Very springy, but not very "90th birthday".

Call me and let me know what you think. I've made the blog available to anyone, so you can have Amy look, too, if you want.

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